Monday, August 16, 2010

3:30 couldn't come any slower..

I hate first days at school. Its basically just the day when all your teachers make you feel stupid because you haven't done one educational thing this summer except try to do your summer reading the day before school starts and you even fail the test on it because you were so focused on how much the next day will be and how much you shouldn't have procrastinated. Well, at least, that's what happens to me.
What I hate the most is blocked scheduling. I mean, why on earth is it necessary to have an hour and a half in each class. It takes the fun out of "not doing any work on the first day of school." I even had homework. Yeah, homework. And it wasn't just those dumb parent letters all teachers think are necessary even though I don't know one parent who actually reads them. Maybe some crazy mother who's always on their son's back like "BILLY. GET DOWN HERE. GIMME YOUR PARENT LETTERS. ALL OF THEM." And then freaks out about everyone and calls everyone of your teachers to complain that the font is too small or something retarded like that. But yeah, I had homework and it was dumb. I also had a quiz in AP lang and I have a quiz on Thursday in Anatomy and a quiz every week in US history. Thank god for band or I'd probably rip everyone of my assignments up because there are just too many. Though we randomly have really stupid playing tests in band and I usually get points taken off for not starting soon enough or something like that even though we can go our own tempo. Everyone goes their own tempo anyway since we only have one drum major and I can never ever ever see her. But that's just another frustration in itself.. Man, I don't even know what topic I started on and I'm too lazy to move my eyes and read above. Oh well.
Another thing that bugs the crap out of me on the first day are those like ditsy people. Yeah, them. The one's that are always like standing in the middle or the hall with their mouths open and just zoning out on their class schedule. I mean Jesus, at least put on your blinker and get off the road! I have somewhere to be like oh I dunno, class? Get a map. El mapo. Ya know? It's not that hard.
I also hate all those immature people that you ALWAYS GET STUCK WITH. Like, I walked into my anatomy and physiology HONORS class. Which is basically like AP A/P and I get stuck with.. them. Those them that still laugh a naked bodies in texts books and at the word sex. I mean, granted, I have a pretty dirty mind that occasionally makes me chuckle to myself but really. Seriously. You should be almost out of puberty. Maybe all stupid dudes are just wittle late bloomers that occupy themselves by blowing things up and imagining someone wants to have sex with their nasty undeveloped bodies. Anyway, the teenage boy is not one of my brightest or most positive subjects. Probably because most of them have called me a. ugly or b. fat almost every year. Though I have to give props to Michael for being amazing and not a douche bag.
My wrist feels like the muscles shrunk. I feel like I have like mild carpal tunnel which is actually probable. What do you even do with that though, ya know? Hand/arm exercises? maybe I'll just ask my friend Google.
The only thing that's not keeping me in deep despair is the fact that as of today is Michael and I's "anniversary week" because a year ago today my wittle Mikey got the courage to talk to me which is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me ever. And he brought me a rooossseee and drove me to school and it was to cayooot. :) And I feel retarded to be writing about my boyfriend like a silly little girl but really, I could never ask for anything more in the world than just to be myself with him until i die. And that's the absolute truth.
So again, in the words of Truman, good afternoon, good evening and good night.


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